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In the story “Smack” we see the protagonist, Nicola, struggle with her failing marriage with Daniel. We learn that our main character is facing the reality of her husband moving out and leaving, along with the emotional abuse from their relationship.

Her type of television is the sort that Daniel says speaks weakness to character (although admittedly a lot speaks to Daniel of a weakness of character: a fondness for jelly sweets, the refusal to give dogs human names, hair grown past the shoulders, the Tolkien books). He has, in the past, tried to educate her, turning on the History Channel, documentaries about beluga whales. (pg. 244 in my ebook)

This passage is obvious proof that our protagonist is facing much emotional trauma which can be incredibly relatable to a range of audiences. She reminisced about the times she spent with Daniel. But we also see another conflict play into this story and that is her relationship with her sister. 

My sister’s the pretty one,’ Cece had announced by the way of introduction when Nicola first arrived. ‘Our father called her the precious cargo. So everyone be on your best behavior.’” (pg. 234 in my ebook) 

This scene creates much tension between Nicola and her sister, Cece adding to the drama of the story.

…. She has, it is true, half-expected Cece to come chasing her, but perhaps her sister’s current lack of a car owed is something for that delay. 

In the dining room, between marmalade-slathered crackers, she acts out of scenes of high drama, imagining scenarios, gesticulating to the blank spaces on the walls.” (pg. 241 in my ebook)

Again, there are multiple gestures in the texts that can give us reasons and examples that indicate the rocky relationship between her sister, which adds an extra bit of spice to her current situation. However, the fantastic element in this story truly adds the icing on the cake for the flare and drama that is presented in this story.

There will be more jellyfish. Later, washing up in the tight apple-light that follows dawn, a product of the early tide. When they come, she will be here, salt-rimmed from a night on the shore. She will lay herself down, awaiting the convocation. Jellyfish beaching against her arms and legs, the crest of her body on delicate body.” (pg. 252 in my e-book)

This quote is quite lovely. The fantastic element in this story is Nicola being submerged by jellyfish, which is truly heartbreaking. Jellyfish are commonly used as a symbol of love and the fact that she, for years, has been mistreated by not only her husband, but in constant tensions with her sister, makes for an incredibly wistful ending. She was submerged in love. 

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